Saxon Shore Way Route Flag – Cliffe Fort Works

Location: ///, TQ 70722 76802

Saxon Shore Way segment at Cliffe Fort
Satellite imagery provided by Mapbox.

The Saxon Shore Way (SSW) follows a path out of Cliffe and heads to Cliffe Fort. There are gravel works here, with aggregate being unloaded from coastal vessels at a Jetty. There is an awkward albeit safe way through the works for followers of the SSW. It could be an unpleasant surprise if it is unexpected.

Saxon Shore Way a Cliffe Fort Works
Satellite imagery provided by Mapbox.

It seems that walkers are kept safe from industrial hazards, but the passage through the works is a little intimidating.

After entering a narrow fenced corridor walkers are taken under a conveyor bearing the aggregate and across a site road. It could be easy to be put off at this point but, when I walked it, it felt well attended by site staff and safe.


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